Incorporate International Christmas Traditions with Your Celebrations This Year

This month we’re learning about all the holidays celebrated across the world with Christmas being one they’re pretty familiar with already. In America, we see Christmas celebrated a very specific way with Christmas trees and red and green lights but around the world that’s not always what it looks like. Here are some other Christmas traditions from around the world and how you can incorporation them into your celebrations this year to teach your kids a more global perspective to the holiday.

12 Crafts for Christmas for You & Your Little One

This no better time to craft then when the weather starts to turn cold and the kiddos are home from school. Christmas crafts have the dual purpose of usually working as a tree ornament as well. Make sure to keep these crafts in a safe place for when your kids get bigger, you’ll want to see just how small they once were year after year.

Winter Holidays & Celebrations Besides Christmas

This month we are learning about winter holidays and celebrations of other countries, religions, and cultures. We feel it’s important that kids know the history of these holidays and are respectful of other’s celebrations. Kids learn through doing, so consider celebrating some of these holidays this year or incorporating some of these traditions into your Christmas plans.