Leaf Ghosts via Country Living


White paint & paintbrush
Black permanent marker


Send the kids out to collect leaves and then paint them white. Once dry, draw on black eyes with black permanent marker. String them together to make a spooky garland or use them as place cards at your Halloween party.

Paper Plate Spiders via I Heart Crafty Things

Small paper plates (2 per spider)
Paint & paint brush
Googly eyes (we used varying sizes, 8 per spider)
Pipe cleaners (4 per spider)
School glue

Paint the underside of two paper plates with acrylic paint and let them dry. Once dry, cut the pipe cleaners in half to create 8 legs. Hold the two paper plates together with the paint on the outside and place the pipe cleaner in between. Staple each leg of the 8 legs and use the stapler to close around the rest of the plates. Next, glue on eight googly eyes of different sizes on top of your spider. If you want to hang the spiders, punch a hole in the top and tie a white string to make it look like a web.

Paper Plate Witch or Wizard Hats via Cutesy Crafts

Paper plates
Party hat (or some paper and elastic string)
Black paint & paintbrush
Decorations: stickers, glitter glue, etc.

First, take the party hat apart and turn it inside out.  This makes it easier to paint.  Tape the seam on the inside and at the very bottom.  You can also just make a cone with a piece of paper and attach some elastic string.  A cereal box would work well for this too.

Place the hat on the middle of the plate and trace around it. Draw another circle about 1/2-inch around the inside of the original circle.  It doesn’t need to be perfect, it’s just a kid craft!  Poke a hole in the middle of the plate to help get your scissors in there.

Cut out the middle circle. Cut about 3/4-inch slits all around the bottom of the hat.  Make sure you don’t cut through your tape, and don’t cut higher that the part where the elastic string is coming out. Bend back all of the flaps you just created.

Put the party hat up through the hole in your plate.  (Cut off a little more of the plate if necessary.)  Make sure the elastic string from the hat is straightened out and hanging down.  Tape all of the flaps to the plate. Now you just need to add some black paint, let it dry and decorate.

Spider Slime via The TipToe Fairy

2 (5 oz) bottles of clear school glue
10 oz water
8 oz liquid starch
1/4 cup glitter
1/4 cup Halloween spider confetti

This recipe makes a large bowl of slime: enough for 3 or 4 kids to play with. In a bowl pour out the entire contents of both bottles of glue. Add the water to the glue. Add the glitter and confetti spiders. Stir it all up and then slowly start adding the starch. Slowly add about half the starch and then stir. If the concoction liquid, add more starch until it’s too thick to stir. Then start kneading the slime with your hands to work any excess water into it, so that it’s no longer sticky. 

Monster Cups via The Simple Parent

4 plastic cups
Black, white, orange, & lime green paint
Paint brushes
Googly eyes
Black and green pipe cleaners
School glue
Black permanent marker

Directions (Ghost):
Paint cup white and allow to dry. Glue two googly eyes on the cup. Draw a mouth with a permanent marker or black paint.

Directions (Frankenstein):
Paint cup green and let dry. Paint top of cup black and dry. Glue two googly eyes on the cup. Using a permanent marker or black paint and eyebrows and a mouth.

Directions (Pumpkin):
Paint cup orange and allow to dry. Use black paint or permanent marker to add a mouth. Glue two googly eyes on the cup. Cut a two-inch piece of green pipe cleaner. Twist around finger and glue to top of cup.

Directions (Spider):
Paint cup black and let dry. Add two googly eyes to the cup. Cut 4 black pipe cleaners in half. Glue pipe cleaners around the base of the cup. Let dry and then bend to create creepy, crawly legs!